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Cannabis Breath Testing

Changes in legislation have made marijuana use legal in many places and cannabis is outpacing alcohol as the daily drug of choice in many places. This has changed the landscape of drug testing and in many cases the zero-tolerance policies have been found problematic.

Breath testing offers the shortest detection window (1-3 hours) correlating well with “recent use” time window. Breath offers a fast and non-invasive method for sample collection. Combined with sensitive laboratory analysis breath presents an easily adoptable testing method for recent cannabis use whether done at workplaces or at a roadside point of care.

The Cannabix Marijuana Breath Test (MBT) can help workplaces to support clear and transparent testing policies. Non-invasive sample collection is simple, requires no medical training, and can be performed anywhere, making it easy to integrate into individual or broader screening workflows.

The short detection window of the breath correlates with the "recent use" window making the breath testing more appealing method compared to the conventional testing methods that may detect use that occurred days, weeks, or even months prior. At the age of legalization of cannabis ensuring a fair testing to make sure all employees are held to the same standard of behavior can also help to improve employee recruitment and retention.



Dettering and preventing the cannabis using during and right before the working hours reduces the risk of accidents and protects the employees. This is crucial in high-risk industries like construction, transportation, and manufacturing.


Short detection window helps to disregard the leisure time cannabis use better than other testing methods (e.g., oral fluid, urine, and blood tests).

Cost Savings

Promotes productivity and efficiency by preventing slowdowns, errors, and absenteeism and also reduces accident-related costs

Expanding the recruitment pool

In the fields where pre-employment drug testing is mandatory, the benefit of short detection window can help to attract candidates who may use cannabis outside working hours. Implementation can also help expand the recruitment pool by fostering a safer, more professional, and compliant work environment.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements and Preventing Insurance Liability

Adhering to the current and emerging cannabis laws (e.g., California AB 2188), regulations, and safety standards is required in many industries. Breath testing offers easy and non-invasive method to ensure employees are free from cannabis use while working helping to avoid potential insurance liabilities.


Easily collectable sample at the site of incidence offers complementary and objective method for officers and drug recognition experts (DRE) whether it is used for safety, legal compliance, or public health. Cannabix MBT offers a fast and easy solution that can quickly be fitted into the established processes.

The sample collected at the site of incidence at the time of incidence reflects the presence of THC better than the testing done at later timepoint in a different location (e.g., after transporting the suspect in hospital which can in some cases take several hours). In some places a warrant may be needed to collect a blood sample.

In some cases, especially with the habitual users, the blood THC level could be elevated even after a prolonged period and in these cases the blood work might not indicate the recency of use. Capturing the breath sample at the time of incidence presents more fair and relevant drug detection window.


Impaired Driving

Cannabis use can impair cognitive and motor functions, leading to unsafe driving. Law enforcement conducts roadside tests or tests after accidents to ensure drivers are not under the influence of cannabis, which could affect reaction times, decision-making, and motor coordination, similar to alcohol impairment.

Public Safety

Cannabis use may impact a person's ability to perform certain tasks safely, especially in high-risk environments. For instance, law enforcement may test for cannabis use in the workplace, particularly in industries like transportation, construction, or any other areas that require clear judgment and quick reflexes.

Compliance with the Law

In places where cannabis use remains illegal, law enforcement tests for its presence to enforce laws and maintain legal standards. This includes routine checks, probation, or post-arrest tests to ensure individuals are complying with regulations.

Legal and Public Health Concerns

With the increasing legalization of cannabis in some regions, law enforcement needs to keep track of usage rates and ensure that individuals are using cannabis responsibly and in accordance with local laws. Testing can help assess whether someone is under the influence in public spaces or public events, which might be governed by specific rules.

Timely and Contextual Testing: Cannabis use remains detectable in the body for different periods depending on the type of test. To ensure fairness, choosing the appropriate test that reflects recent use rather than general use over a longer period may be more suitable.

Proper Chain of Custody for the sample is critical for maintaining the integrity of the test. This includes documenting who collected the sample, how it was stored, and how it was handled, preventing tampering or contamination.

Standardized testing procedure prevents any biases from influencing the results.

Accredited testing laboratory with validated testing methods ensures that the results are accurate and valid.